Hawaii Forest & Trail
New Millennium Visions Come True For 2 Big Island Businesses
by Les Drent
Who would have ever guessed that a children's naturalist program started in May of 1993 by Rob Pacheco would have grown into one of Hawaii's premier tour operations by the turn of the century.
Perhaps it was the marketing genius of Rob's wife Cindy that first saw glimpses of a bright future. For Rob there certainly had to be plenty of time for visions as he drove community children to and from the natural sights of the Big Island. And perhaps it was from these same children that he first saw and realized a potential for sharing these same natural wonders with their adult counterparts.
Rob & Cindy Pachecco comfortably suited for their new public location on Queen Kaahumanu Hwy. in Kailua-Kona. photo credit: Andrew Nisbet
While it is difficult to match the words with the struggle of what it took to grow this business from a single Suburban led children's program to a 5 van, 20 employee, 8 adventure tour operation in only 6 years it may be the public's fascination for where Hawaii Forest & Trail is taking them that has grabbed people's imagination.
Now hosting a 2,000 square foot office, warehouse, retail location on Queen Kaahumanu Highway in Kailua-Kona, Rob and Cindy focus on maintaining the objectives of their business through their individual tour guides. This focus continues to be one that provides an in depth education about the natural history of Hawaii. And with that focus in mind for the 21st century the best is yet to come not only for Hawaii Forest and Trail but Hawaii as well. Way to go Rob & Cindy! Phone: (808) 331-8505
Birdwatching Adventures RainForest and DryForest Adventure Full Day Come along as we explore two rare habitats, the cloudmist kipuka rainforest on Mauna Loa and the sub-alpine dry forest of Puu Laau on Mauna Kea. Here are two places that represent Hawaii before human contact; places where plants and birds found nowhere else on earth reveal the evolutionary epic of the islands. Don't miss this outstanding opportunity to witness Hawaii's native birds and forests. Target species include: Nene, Palila, Akiapolaau, Amakihi, Apapane, Hawaii Creeper, Iiwi, Elepaio, Omao, Io and Pueo. 11 hours roundtrip from our Headquarters in Kona. Available weekdays only. Rated Easy to Moderate Ages 8 & Up.
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Story appeared originally in Coffee Times print magazine and appears online for archival purposes only. Any use or reprinting of these stories without the expressed written consent of the author is prohibited.