Jen's Kohala Cafe
Dedicated to the Love of Food
by Les Drent

Complementing the rich tradition of history in North Kohala is an eatery that is making a name for itself. Creating great food and creating the right food for the moment are all skills that come from years of dedication to the culinary industry and the food at Jen's Kohala Cafe is the obvious result of that dedication.
When Jenifer and Chad Davis renovated the former deli location located across from the King Kamehameha statue in Kapaau they new they had to bring more to the table than just a face lift. Jenifer's extensive working background within such Big Island industry favorites as the Canoe House, Kamuela Provision Company, Donatoni's and over 7 years at both the Hilo and Kawaihae locations of Cafe Pesto have lent her the inspirational and creative courage to carve out a delectable niche of her own in this sleepy little village located at the northern end of the Big Island.
Jenifer & Chad Davis in front of their North Kohala Eatery.
While many of the components of her menu stem from these years of experience it is an obvious love for creating good food that has fashioned the quality and value of Jen's offerings.
Relying mainly on word of mouth for her advertising positive food reviews have an uncanny ability to find their way to people looking for good food whether they are in the local community or at a hotel.
Looking to expand their current operation Jenifer and Chad seek to create new regular menu items and daily specials that are in line with local tastes and budgets.
Already catering to the local taste is the Kamehameha, a roll up which consists of juicy kalua pork, Maui onions and baby greens stuffed into thick rounds of herbed garlic flat bread. The award winning Black Bean and Red Onion Chili served with corn bread and rice is also a favorite along with the Greek Salad that is highlighted with locally grown vine-ripened tomatoes, tart feta, calamata olives in a traditional herbal balsamic vinaigrette dressing.
As if Jen's hearty and affordable lunch items are not enough to fill the hungriest of patrons the Cafe's selection of Big Island Ice Cream will be tempting and ultimately capture the last ounce of your appetite before you make your exit from the cafe.
Future additions to the Cafe have Jenifer and Chad applying for a beer and wine license and using some of the dining room space for an espresso bar.
With an approach to business that pulls from years of experience and encompasses an unwavering dedication to quality and value Jen's Kohala Cafe should find little in their way on the road to success.
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Story appeared originally in Coffee Times print magazine and appears online for archival purposes only. Any use or reprinting of these stories without the expressed written consent of the author is prohibited.